Jerico's Thoughts...
Finally, a sea going vehicle for the MOTU line, the classic line
only had some accessory pack for water. But, this War Whale toy
is not made for bath time fun, land lover it shall remain. It’s
main action features are activated while being pushed along dry
ground. But it’s a good looking toy; He-man fits well on it, plenty
of (4)projectiles. It seems to have a lot of working inner parts,
but construction seems sturdy. It is easy to assemble what
little parts it comes with.
9 on the Jerico Scale.

Ready for War

dun uh...dun uh...dun uh...dun uh.. dun uh..dun uh.dun uh!

The tail end moves up and down and the mouth open and closes as it is rolled across
the floor. Also the War Whale can be held like a gun and on the bottom is a section
that can be pressed to make the mouth open and close as well.

The Fin

Under the Sea

Stickless control panel

He-Man fits great atop this whale.