Spin Blade Skeletor
Jerico's Thoughts...
Not to be out done by He-Man, Skeletor gets a repaint as well, no Havoc
Staff with this figure, just a bat looking wrist mounted…pinwheel.
A 5 on the Jerico Scale.

Another Skeletor...
At least he doesn't have a headband.
The Front
A nice little repaint of the armor.

The back side
Same action feature for the right arm.

The pecs of doooom!
The red in the crossbones, like Spider-Man, I bet it's a flashlight.

The 3 pronged belt
Weird, although this pic doesn't show it, he looks like he just came from
a strip club. There is body glitter all over his waist.

Sword repaint
Hard to tell in this pic but it is the same color as the armor is, light red.

The Spin Blade
Um...it spins.

The back of the Spin Blade
still spins