Cartoon Network Description
"Skeletor's giant purple-furred panther has a mean and nasty temper
that equals his master's. He likes nothing better than to engage
Battle Cat in combat. Cunning and vicious, Panthor has only one
fear:punishment from Skeletor and his Havoc Staff."
Jerico's Thoughts...
Skeletor’s fuzzy friend Panthor, not to be out done by He-man. I
just like how he is still flocked. Prototype picks saw panthor
naked with no fuzz, like Battle at. Imagine my surprise when he
became flocked! As you can see, he has 2 plastic missile firing
guns on his saddle. His other action feature is a “Claw and Maul”
feature, pushing a button makes his mouth open and leg raise. A
good update, it seems kids love projectiles.
6 on the Jerico Scale.
Skeletor's fuzzy cat
This is just like Battle Cat with purple fuzzzzz.

He may look snugley
But he is all buisness.

His teeth must be cold...
because he has a yellow blanket on them. Oh this is his "Claw and
Maul" feature in action.

Should be a Horde Bat symbol here
since there is the Iron Cross on Battle Cat's armor.

The yellow of his beety eyes.

Again, all those buttons for those two guns.
Man I wish stickers came with Panthor to put here.

The guns
Fires two missles.

Come Panthor
Eternia will be his!